TNG - Tips & Tricks
Click to enlarge sample graph
How To Get It (A Very Short Cooking Recipe for the Technical Experienced User)
- Download, compile and install the "Visitors Web Log
Analyzer" from (the source code is free – you need a C
compiler, or you have to pay for a precompiled Windows binary).
- Download and install the "Graphviz" software from It's open source and there are precompiled
packages for several operating systems available.
- You need the log files from your Website. The following examples
are assuming the you have your downloaded logfiles gnu-zipped and
named like www.20070923.gz (this may be different from website
to website), residing in a subdirectory named logs on your
- The following command line examples are from Linux. They should
also work on Windows.
- zcat ./logs/www.*.gz | visitors - --all --trails --prefix --output html >report.html
This call produces a web log analyzer report, like other log
analyzer programs. The first part (zcat ./logs/www.*.gz |)
uncompresses all g-zipped log files and sends it to the visitors
software (see Visitor's documentation).
Change "" to your site's web
- If you have already unzipped logs, use
visitors --all --trails --prefix
--output html >report.html ./log/*.log
- The following is now the first step to get the graph shown above:
zcat ./logs/www.*.gz | visitors - --graphviz --trails --prefix --grep ahnen --exclude admin --exclude login
--exclude logout --graphviz-ignorenode-google >
"ahnen" is the name of the website-subdirectory where
the TNG installation resides. "admin" is the name of TNG's
admin directory.
- Be patient, the computation can take several minutes...
- You have now a text file named (it's a simple
text file; the extension .dot has nothing to do with the
.dot files from Microsoft Word!).
To get a picture, run dot -Tpng
- Use batch files (Unix/Linux: shell scripts).
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Letzte Aktualisierung am 11. Juni 2017